Swishes for Wishes, Got Game?

Raising funds to enrich the Walton High School Community
The Foundation’s Student Leadership Council (SLC) raised $1260.00 in August and September via WEB concessions, Grill Days and a PJ Day. On Thursday, Nov 7th, Dr. Mallanda, Carly Judenberg and Maurya Dilip presented forty-two (42) $30.00 Target gift cards to the Center for Children and Young Adults. The gift cards will be used by the residents for important items like pajamas, slippers or other needed items.
Way to go SLC members!
Pictured from left to right: Dr. Catherine Mallanda, Angela Thorton (CCYA), Carly Judenberg and Maurya Dilip
The WHS Foundation’s Student Leadership Council presented Dr. Catherine Mallanda a check for $13,000.00 last Friday. The funds will be used to replace Walton’s championship banners that will hang in our new beautiful gym. The funds were raised through proceeds from this year’s Homecoming Dance.
Pictured (left to right)
Grace Yan, Dr. Catherine Mallanda, Ethan Bryan.
Ethan and Grace were recognized for all their hard work in setting up for and cleaning up after the homecoming dance.
Friday Night Lights take on a new meaning this Friday! Games begin at 5:30pm. Get your tickets here. You don’t want to miss the fun!
The Foundation is recognized by the IRS as a not for profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization; your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. EIN 58-1985878. Copy of IRS Determination Letter for 501(c)(3) status.
By supporting the Foundation, you are investing in your child’s education, as well as tomorrow’s leaders and problem solvers. We appreciate your support!
The Walton High School Foundation provides a distinct and essential role in improving the quality of student education by supporting teachers and administrators, fulfilling needs as they arise and reducing class sizes to enhance student achievement.
1590 Bill Murdock Road
Marietta, GA 30062
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