Auction, anyone? The Capital Campaign will end with a bang with our annual online Walton Foundation Auction on April 21-23, 2023! The event features additional graduation tickets, premium parking options for students, access to Walton sport and STEM summer camps, and more! Flex your fingers to get ready for the fast and furious bidding action when the auction wraps up at 8:00pm on Sunday, April 23rd! Who will win the hot, hot ticket items? Check out the auction and pre-register today!
2023 SLC’s Hoops for Hope
Join the competition being sponsored by the Student Leadership Council on Wednesday, March 22nd in the gym for Hoops for Hope 3 v 3 tournament among Walton students and staff. The competition begins at the start of A Block. The cost is $20 per team. All proceeds will go to help children battling illnesses at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA). There is a maximum of four (4) players per team. Each member of the winning team will receive a prize! No more than 2 Varsity Basketball players are allowed to be on the same team. Sign up by March 21, 2023.
Homecoming Dance Signups
To make our “A Trip Down Sunset Boulevard” Homecoming Dance a success, we need the support of parent volunteers! We need two shifts of volunteers (7-9 pm & 9-11 pm) to assist with checking students into the dance, refreshments, and chaperones.
Please consider signing up to donate refreshments for the “A Trip Down Sunset Boulevard” Homecoming Dance! All Donations are due by October 21st.
Thank you in advance for your continued support!
Boo Your Teachers!
Join the fun, spread a little Boo! Our SLC students want to help you show some “love” to a teacher or staff person at Walton for Halloween. They are offering one size boo bags that can be purchased as a surprise and an expression of thanks to your recipient. We would love to see every teacher/staff person receive one of these treats. You are welcome to purchase a Boo for a specific staff person or donate the treat to anyone who hasn’t received one. All Boo’s are made anonymously. Each staff person will receive one Boo Bag, until all have received one.
Each $15 Boo Bag will include a $5 gift card, assorted candy and a Halloween treat.
Orders will be taken until Monday, October 24th and Boo’s will be delivered on Wednesday, October 28th. All proceeds from this event will go to the efforts of the Student Leadership Council and their work in supporting the Walton Community!

Homecoming Dance Tickets
The Homecoming Dance will be on Saturday, October 22, 2022 in the main Walton Gym. We will enjoy an old-style Hollywood theme this year called, “A Trip Down Sunset Boulevard”. Tickets will be $30 in advance and $40 the day of the dance.