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Raising funds to enrich the Walton High School Community
Thanks to your generous donations last year, the Foundation is funding a full-time math teacher and a full-time language arts teacher this 2020-21 school year. We are also providing funds to allow for an extended day for the Intro to Business class. These additional teachers impact every student at Walton by decreasing class sizes and offering more course options for students.
Every spring/summer, the Walton Administration decides on how best to implement Foundation funds to reduce class sizes and to offer more course options while examining the master schedule as it is being created.
Join the Foundation today and donate to continue this proud tradition of decreasing class sizes at Walton!
On August 14, 2020 the Foundation and the PTSA co-funded the Back to School Lunch provided to the Walton faculty and staff to encourage them the week before the new virtual school year began. Delicious grab-n-go lunches were purchased from Tin Lizzy’s Cantina.
The PTSA, SLC and Foundation collaborated to provide the 2024 Freshmen Welcome Gift that was distributed to our freshmen during their materials distribution drive through day. The Foundation provided the blue Walton High School pencil and the SLC provided the Walton Raider Tips for Success flyer. The PTSA provided the Walton cups, stress ball, Class of 2024 sticker, and the Steps to Hold a Book in Destiny flyer.
Also, check out the Class of 2024 Welcome Video that the Walton Ambassadors created to provide a warm virtual welcome.
Welcome to Walton, Class of 2024!
The Foundation has a new website with the following new features to serve our Walton community better:
The Foundation is recognized by the IRS as a not for profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization; your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. EIN 58-1985878. Copy of IRS Determination Letter for 501(c)(3) status.
By supporting the Foundation, you are investing in your child’s education, as well as tomorrow’s leaders and problem solvers. We appreciate your support!
The Walton High School Foundation provides a distinct and essential role in improving the quality of student education by supporting teachers and administrators, fulfilling needs as they arise and reducing class sizes to enhance student achievement.
1590 Bill Murdock Road
Marietta, GA 30062
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