Please contact your employer to determine if they offer corporate matching of your Foundation donation. This is an easy way to double or even triple your donation. Truist has recently begun to offer this! The following area companies have been known to offer corporate matching:
The Walton Green Team
Would your student like to make an impact on our community? Does your student need additional community service hours? Then, your student should check out the Foundation’s new student club – The Walton Green Team.
They plan to organize monthly garbage pick ups on Walton’s campus as well as their feeder schools’ campuses. If your student would like to join the Walton Green team, please click the link below and fill out the form. The team will be limited to 40 students and membership will be first come, first served.
The first clean-up session is scheduled for December 12, 2020 at 2:00 pm.

Foundation Donations are 100% Tax Deductible
Are you a little short on your charitable tax gifts for 2020? Donations to the Walton High School Foundation are 100% tax deductible.
Due to the generosity of the Walton families, we are able to continue to support Walton’s students and staff. Check out the Results menu to be reminded of all the wonderful opportunities that your donations provide to the Walton community.
Please consider donating today.

BOO Bag Fundraiser Raises $860
The Foundation’s Student Leadership Council would like to thank all the students and families that purchased BOO Bags for our Walton staff. The teachers were excited to receive them!
We enjoyed seeing the halls and the teacher inboxes lined with these treats. Because of its success in its inaugural year, the Student Leadership Council hopes to make it an annual tradition at Walton.
SLC raised $860.00 for the Center for Children & Young Adults’ (CCYA). Below you will see a photo of our students with Dr. Mallanda presenting a check for $860.00 to CCYA, which will help buy pajamas for their residents this winter.
MUST Ministries Food Drive
Let’s work together to make the holidays brighter for members of our community. The Walton Student Leadership Council (SLC) is organizing a MUST Ministries food drive. Drop your food in the bins at the front or back of the school. Donations will be accepted from November 11 – 20. Check the ad for the list of foods that are requested. SLC will be offering limited donation pick-up services on Sunday, November 15th and on Wednesday, November 18th. Click here to sign-up for donation pick-up service.