The Walton community is fortunate to have individuals and families that go far and beyond the average support. We celebrate those legacies in a new section of our website so that we may never forget their impact.
Campus Spring Cleanup
Come Play in the Dirt!! On Saturday, March 13th from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, the WHS Foundation and Walton Green Team will be leading a campus wide spring cleanup. We will be focusing on the 5 Foundation gardens, and the front of the school, weeding, cleaning out beds and laying mulch!
If interested in lending a helping hand, email Caroline Whaley, Service hours are being offered, and we are flexible and will gladly accept any time that can be given. When responding, please include your available time. Lunch will be offered and we ask that volunteers bring, if they have, gloves and a rake.

Save the Date for our Auction!
Claim your Walton perks like parking spaces, custom schedules, sports season passes, graduation tickets, and more by participating in our annual online auction, April 21-24, 2021.

Commit to the W Campaign Kicks Off
The Foundation’s 2020-21 “Commit to the W” Campaign is our drive to raise $200,000 to support the Walton Community. This year’s campaign is kicking off now. You should receive your Walton High School Foundation 2021 Patron Drive brochure in the mail this week. The Campaign will last from February 22nd through the end of the Auction on April 24th, 2021.

Flight Simulator Software for Aerospace Engineering Course
Engineering teacher, Brian Benton, was able to purchase X-Plane 11 Global Flight Simulator Software with 2020-21 teacher grant funds from Publix and Kroger donations for Walton’s Aerospace Engineering course to allow students to fly a realistic flight simulator. Students learn about flight and navigation. After students use the simulator to get the feel for flying, the teacher takes the class to the airport to fly a small airplane with an instructor.